Sunday, November 11, 2007

Regarding Reasonably Priced Fashion

Ciao from Hong Kong!

As per my normal activities, I sampled a little shopping today, and here's preliminary information on what I found.

A quick tidbit for the ladies (since I didn't really check out the men's section) -- Zara's fall/winter collection is solid. I should probably preface this post by saying that the current trends in fashion match my tastes more than normal, and Zara is making a strong case with the bits I am most fond of. That's right, those so called designers totally stole my long-time favorite designs and put them out there for everyone to purchase. Those bastards.

Anyways, some examples of the clothing I very much enjoy:
  • Three-piece suit inspired vests, which are cut well enough that they can actually accent one's waist, run rampant in both the Zara Collection and their casual line, TRF.
  • Fun jackets ranging from military-esque to over-sized folding collars avec large buttons, as well as plaid inspired wool zip-ups.
  • All manner of shorts, in both cotton and wool, that when paired with their many heel and boot offerings make for quite the trendy statement.

Generally, I've found that Zara's clothes are more quality than H&M, while being similarly trendy. As could be expected though, how much better is dependent on how much more you end up spending. While H&M clothing has a tendency to either disintegrate or fall apart after a couple turns in the washer, Zara's gear holds up well even if shrinkage occurs from time to time.

Probably more comments on clothing as I spend a little more time, uh, doing research. However, in the meantime, much love to the Spanish for disseminating awesome clothing and making little See so happy!

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