Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Riverside Park + Puppy Encounters

In an attempt to avoid my third 700 word story yesterday, I took a quick spin to Riverside Park to snap some shots. I spent a lot of time taking pictures of, uh, scenery and landscapes. Primarily because I don't really have the gumption just yet to go up and take pictures of random people.

For example:

However, this gentleman saw me taking photos of that shoe stuck to a fence -- it's practice! -- and asked if I would take some photographs of him with his dogs. His two viszlas Lucky and Coby will departing in the near future, along with his soon to be ex-wife. Sadness!

But hopefully the few pictures I took will be a reminder of all the love between them. Keep on keeping on, sir.

Till tomorrow!



Unknown said...

Love the guy and dog pic :)

Ryan Velasquez said...

i like the lighting on the dog. well played missy