Thursday, July 29, 2010

Daft Punk's Tron:Legacy OST

It's been a long time since I posted anything non-writing related, but I'm back on another of my music binges.

New York Mag's Vulture posted a 10 minute compilation video of Daft Punk's soundtrack for Tron: Legacy this morning. After an appropriate number of repeats, I sifted through the associated songs and found this set from scene 224.

This isn't my favorite song of those listed, but the stuttering back-beat, and what sounds like a shovel scraping against cement, really caught my ear. That sounds unappealing, I know, but press play and give it a chance to see what I mean.

Pop in a pair of earphones, and even with the volume down low, something about the balancing and production makes all of the sounds pop and pulse in the back of your head with crisp amplification. It's almost like you're sitting in a theater with the sound coming from behind you on a sub-woofered sound system. Impressive for lame Apple earbuds, no? Or rather, impressive on Daft Punk's part.

I'm sure these songs are so soothing to my ear because they mimic the pacing of a heartbeat. At least, I remember reading that that's part of what draws us into certain songs -- 808's and Heartbreaks! (Note: since fact-checking is for work, I refuse to do it when posting my own entries and cannot stand by the validity of this comment. Nyah!)

It's entirely possible that every other track sounds like this, but I only noticed that amphitheater effect here. In any event, the entire soundtrack is worth listening to -- particularly if you have a job that requires sitting at a desk everyday and get distracted listening to lyrics, like me!

Zis, my friends, is ze perfect in between.

Update:Unfortunately, Pitchfork Media is saying that these songs are fan-created, not Daft Punk created. Regardless, I still recommend them because they are wicked fun to listen to.

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