Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Wicked Flipping Cool: HAF

First: Mad props to big bro for hopping a cab and venturing into the Presidio to try and get the clowntravelagency.com/ bag! Though it was fruitless, the adventure and adrenaline (for him and everyone around me at work) was well worth it. Whoever has devised the publicity/promotional/marketing plan for Dark Knight Returns is brilliant. Fanboys beware, you're predictable and easily excitable. (And yes, I'm totally on the bandwagon too.) I'll post the new trailer when it goes up, which, should be sometime by the end of today, hopefully.

Second: Oh, gmail. If only you had an auto-send feature for sending emails not super late at night so I don't look nuts when I finish work at 2am. Alas, instead you've only got custom time features. HAF!*

Third: I have decided to become an exotic dancer whilst using my artistic abilities to make elaborate macaroni necklaces to subsidize any living expenses and moral derailment.

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