Sunday, May 4, 2008


Overly long post about being awake at 2a.m. has been reduced to this:

Type-A Friends, that's all of you, make sure you take time out to recharge. Meaning:

1. Spend a day/night doing absolutely nothing so you can clear out all the junk in your head (this does not include drinking. Drinking makes you more dumberererer). Get sleep.

2. Go see people. Do not stay locked at home doing mundane, silly, boringness because it feels easy and safe. Do something that will engage you socially and keep you invested in your existence not tied to an inanimate object. There are very worthwhile people to spend your time with, go be with them.

3. I sound like Stephen Covey, I'm going to stop.

Happy May! See above post for fun music. Also, go see Iron Man. If you can, sometime this weekend, when there are lots of people in the theater. Do not go for surprise plot twists (honestly, that's not why anyone watches a SuperHero movie nowadays). However, do expect snappy dialogue with healthy doses of banter, neat gadgets, and plenty of comic book references for adequate nerd-lovin'. Robert Downey Jr. makes the film laugh out loud funny, his timing and irreverence floating lines that would seem pedantic from another actor, and, for a man who's in his 40s, well, not a peep or complaint from my mouth about appearance and/or physical capabilities. Gwyneth Paltrow is luminous. Strawberry blonde hair, fabulous legs plus a killer backless azure dress (hrmm... who made that?) only highlight how well-suited she is to play a flustered, assertive, no wait, meek, no wait, feisty Pepper Potts with her demure half smiles fluttering boy hearts everywhere. Yada, yada, yada, go watch, be merry, enjoy spring.

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