Monday, May 26, 2008

Oh Me, Oh May

So many movies, so much music, so many life changes. Wait, those don't really relate, do they?

My absolute favorite part of traveling is, funny enough, the time in between places. Especially after work started, I rarely find time to journal. After regularly journeying from coast to coast, I always found my most soothing and contemplative moments squished into a center seat somewhere in Cattle Class; which is probably why I knee-jerk to pulling out my moleskin as soon as I've snapped my seatbelt into place. Maybe it's because I don't have the option of wi-fi. Actually, that's likely. Or, maybe it's because I just plug my music in and do nothing but put a pen on paper. No distractions, and no necessity to conduct inane conversation with the person next to me. Or, is it because leaving familiarity gives me a sense of freedom and quiet honesty? Probably some of the first unfiltered honesty I'll experience with myself in however long its been since my last trip. I'm always more creative, more adventurous, more alert and less inhibited when I'm not around everything that I know. But, isn't that everyone? That's what studying abroad was -- what happens in ______ stays in _______, right? What you think about on the plane, stays on the plane? Or, it trails behind you like cans on the Just Married car, clinking against the concrete, reminding you to take some time and untangle everything before you return home dragging that beat up metal crap. How quaintly existential of you, See. That was actually just a vague gesture at explaining why I've been a lazy bum and haven't posted in three weeks. But, you just got to Seattle, how can you possibly have been that busy before all this?

Oh, well just you wait for the daring exploits and tales of the city about our intrepid soon-to-be living in Nob Hill trio. Close read that one.

Upcoming topics for discussion:

1. Sex and the City. Three days till Thursday's premiere. I hope against all hope that it won't be the train wreck that Indy was last week, which might have been a better movie if I was deaf. Or blind. Or in a coma. I'll broach that later.

2. Gossip Girl (TV and Book version!) Reading the book at 23 makes me think Cecily von Zeigesar is a master of satire and irony. Thinking about how I would have read it at 14 makes me want to never have children. Or at least, if I do, sit down and have the birds and bees talk when they turn 8. No, wait, 4 1/2.

3. Summer albums are dropping everywhere we look. Usher. Coldplay. Chris Brown. Movin' mountains won me over since Raymond's hearkening back to his origins -- angsty love song ballades. For his upbeat siiiccckkk club sound: Play Me. (No pun intended...ish). Viva la Vida is going to be another Coldplay classic -- props to the group for integrating classical sounds with current day pop. They did it oh so long ago, but the best part is how they've kept it going. R.I.P. The Verve. Chris Brown, well, need I mention Forever? But, that's so 6 weeks ago. His now it song is Last 2 Know.

4. Rogan for Target's GO International line. Till June 28th. Saharan prints. Trendy. Cheap. Go buy it.

Till I'm back from my travels up north and more capable of structuring and writing a coherent entry, here's a little current music joy to partake of:

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