Monday, July 21, 2008

Unstoppable Force, Immovable Object

I originally had a long-winded post about Dark Knight's midnight showing here. I was waxing poetic about the performances, and the complex story-telling, and the undeniably breathtaking cinematography -- but it really boils down to this.

Never has a movie rocked me to the core as much as this one. Three days later and I am still listening to the theme music, I'm still pondering the plot points, and I can still envision the sights and sounds of the climactic scenes. Perhaps because I have grown up loving and believing in Batman's morals, Bruce Wayne's dilemmas, his ultimately ludicrous and insane devotion to self-sacrifice -- but those should have been drawbacks in watching Dark Knight. I should have hated it, because I went in with the highest expectations I have ever had for a film. I went in hoping for more than I could possibly ask for, and the best part, is that I came out feeling like I'd gotten more than I could even have imagined. I don't do film analysis, I don't understand it well enough. All I'll tell you from a story-teller's perspective, is that Nolan and his cast have done an incredible job of creating multi-faceted, realistic characters who you understand so well and recognize so blatantly as echoing the darkest parts of yourself, that you will be afraid to blink lest they show up as the person sitting next to you.

If I can tell you nothing else, how about this.

Dark Knight makes me believe in men, after I so bitterly lost faith in them. Maybe not all men, (alas), but in the courage, in the strength, in the valor of the good ones. The Dark Knight makes me believe in love again. (This idea, less easily discernible from watching it, but we'll just say it's because my conception of Bruce Wayne as a little girl was brought to life by a man whom I have adored for a number of years.)

And that's only after my first viewing. At midnight. In less than optimal absorption mode.

Can you imagine what will happen after my second?

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