Thursday, September 11, 2008

In a Girl's Head

It's all complicated. Even for us. You know, there's all this blathering about your loved ones, and your not-so-loved ones, and about what you're wearing, and about how long you take in the shower, and omg I didn't do the write-up correctly for this meeting AGAIN. Generally, you're multi-tasking all the time, more so than men, and as soon as one of the many balls you have in the air drops you become overwhelmed by a wave of anxiety and worry.

To combat all the building concern, we use this handy tactic of discussion with our lady friends. Otherwise known as Girl Talk (thanks, NYtimes). It's how we've been socialized since we were little, sorry, boys. What few women realize, though, is how terrible too much talking can be. Science has happily named this overshare of feelings "co-ruminations," and let me say that post women's college, I can frankly say that this happens all too often. You spend so much time discussing one worry over and over again, that eventually you end up losing the original point while becoming mired waist-deep in depression. Whoops. Read to finally unravel why girls never. stop. talking.

Point of resentment: while this was a discussion of the brain, and the results of various psychological studies, somehow this entire article got placed in the "Fashion & Style" section. WTF, NYT?