Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Laugh it up, Fuzzball : Round 2

Robert Friedman from the nytimes, a professor of psychiatry at Weill Cornell Medical College, decided to give a little kick to the mid-life crisis. Color me amused. Proffy Friedman essentially bats the "mid-life crisis" out of the park, as he called it (often) nothing more than an excuse for (primarily) narcissistic men to come to terms with a lack of novelty in their lives. Yikes. Nothing like a good dose of reality straight to the sweet spot first thing in the morning.

Thoughts to come later, or potentially never, because the counterpoints that have sprung up in my head are numerous and complex, and coffee has made my brain run in circles. Feel free to comment on the article, though! Curious to hear what others have to say.

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