Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Singing in the Shower...

Is definitely one of God's kind gifts. Now, granted I have the glory of my own shower to revel in this opportunity, but that doesn't mean I won't still advocate that everyone, young and old, personal bathroom shower and res-hall shower(s), share in the joy despite their surroundings! Just don't blame me if you get yelled at. *insert non-committal smile here*

I haven't posted in awhile (cause at the moment I enjoy my day jobs and actually have some modicum of "work place respect" -- check back in a month, that may have changed) but I come blazing back with my recommended shower tunes for your enjoyment as V-day rounds the corner. Coupled or single, optimistic or cynical, belting these melodies at the top of your lungs makes all your woes fall to the wayside.


Journey -- Don't Stop Believing
Tom Petty -- Free Falling
Neil Diamond -- Sweet Caroline

Fun New Stuff:

Fall Out Boy -- The Take Over, The Breaks Over
Jordin Sparks and Chris Brown -- No Air
David Guetta -- Love Is Gone

And, as a general not necessarily shower add-on, Timbaland's Shock Value still really whips booty. It's been almost a year since the album was released, and that man has still got me hooked. If you've tuned into a radio at all in the last couple months, you know Apologize is still running strong (read: overplayed). But there's a reason for it, and the rest of the album is pretty much of similar quality. Be sure to check out Bounce, One and Only, and Time. The last of which can be repetitive, but is perfect for running and working out.

If you know what I do daily -- cause let's be honest, I don't really want to put a name to the blog -- keep your eyes peeled for new pieces coming out soon. (Chinese New Year and V-day related) Wheeee exciting!

1 comment:

Tim said...

Like your ass has the hiccups.