Friday, February 15, 2008


Here's the serious post. This guy tries out waterboarding, on himself, to ascertain whether or not this is legitimately "torture." He votes yes. I trust him, because he's the idiot (?) who decided to try it. I don't even know what to say. The government is ridiculous. Americans are ridiculous. It'd be nice if I could blame only this country, but let's be real and acknowledge that this has gone on for centuries, and that other countries use even worse forms of torture and just generally say that human beings are capable of some nasty, heartless behavior. Ugh, disgust.


Tim said...

And I cannot help but be amazed at our ingenuity.

Myst Eryman said...

Wow that's really interesting! If only people had to experience first what they force others to go through. I guess that's why police taze themselves