Thursday, October 11, 2007

Many Thanks

To everyone who was super supportive and helpful yesterday on short notice. Hopefully one day you can all be attributed with aiding in jump-starting my career. Or, if I fail miserably (which, realistically, I won't let happen) then I will blame and shamelessly slander all of you. Just kidding!

In order of appearance: Plee, Calveewo, Behzies, Big Bro, Mr. Spit, D-Ha, Jay Frizzle, and big ups to Momma for her fabulous addition with, "that sounds great! Oh. You guys have been eating bananas, that's good."

I love my Mother, she has such incredible timing.

Short entry for today, as it is jam-packed and action filled with activities. Mr. Spit informed me yesterday, much to my dismay, that they have potentially found the true function for the appendix. I thought, or perhaps hoped, that he was joking. But alas, upon further research, there have indeed been some findings. Theories, for now, that it works as a store house for good bacteria which are used to reboot your digestive system following encounters with dysentery, cholera, or other such bacteria purging diseases. How fitting for scientists to find a use so soon after I parted ways with my own little "vestigial" friend.

Also, check out the youtube posting in the entry directly following this one. It's Sony Bravia's newest commercial. I <3 their creativity. They also did the bouncy ball commercial where a ludicrous number of bouncy balls are sent bouncing and/or rolling down the hills of San Francisco. Their newest endeavor involves some incredible clay-mation. Apparently 3 weeks, 40 animators and 2.5 tonnes of modeling clay produces adorable bunnies, a plethora of color and one brilliantly artistic minute thirty. (Thanks to cuzzo-who-shall-not-be-named-ever for the heads up.) Enjoy!

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