Sunday, October 7, 2007

Some Vapid Reflections

First, no reviews for blowfish this weekend, due to what we'll call "corporate issues" (read: D-ha stuck in office a slave to the job) thus there was no partaking of sushi and fun drinks. I will, however, say that if anyone is out in Palo Alto, or Los Gatos... I suppose Silicon Valley in general, there is something intriguing about that scene which I can't quite put my finger on. Most likely the fact that everyone there is quite young, way too wealthy, and just sucking up the good life like nobody's business as they ride the wave of their brilliance. The highlight of my escapades on University Ave was most definitely the fabulously quasi-Euro trash guy pushing thirty and rocking out on the dance floor ... with a sweatshirt tied around his hips. FYI to all guys who are nervous about their dancing skills: his enthusiasm totally outweighed anything about his appearance, because he was surrounded by a circle of at least six or seven girls. What a contrast to discuss this in a post immediately after the Congo, ugh, I believe this feeling is called "self-loathing."

Second, kicking myself into high gear so life can be brought into existence. You can wait around for life to happen, or you can make it happen. I think. I am 20-something See, hear me roar.

Third, when attempting to figure out your "life," good ways to drown your sorrows/keep you chugging along, are: Gossip Girl (that's my second plug and I can claim a couple converts so far), Mint Green Tea, pillows, and Ben and Jerry's Strawberry Cheesecake ice cream. Mm, unhealthy sustenance. Crossing my fingers for one of the interim jobs to come through while I figure out the actual job.

Yeah, these posts are decidedly lame and poorly written. I guess even I function better during the "work" week.

Hah, all I want to do is sign off: xoxo, Gossip Girl. Some quick thoughts on that, it really is just that fun to watch. For those of you who enjoyed the OC, Josh Schwartz is a producer for the show and, I'm fairly certain, also a writer. Though the story lines are picked up from the novel series by Cecily von Ziegesar, Schwartz has done a great job of distilling plot points and showing well-rounded characters -- all while keeping his snark-tastic teens believably evil and warm-hearted. I'll definitely be disappointed if the show is canceled before it has a chance to blossom. It's also less bop-y than the OC, probably due to the story's placement in New York City. But, that could just be my slightly anti-socal mentality coming through. Oh, and also, for any Veronica Mars fans out there, the snidely witty voice of Gossip Girl is none other than Kristen Bell. She is so on with the timing, and phrasing, of her biting remarks. Keep an ear out for "fuster-cluck" in the second episode. At this point, the CW should really pay me for helping them out with their advertising.

Yikes. Let's hope that tomorrow's post is slightly more intelligent and, uh, substantial. Ugh.

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